The idea is to spruce up a little game I made for a gamejam. You can play the game here:
Bepo the moth by wesen3000
The game has been made in PICO–8 Fantasy Console, which is a great little system to make games, along with sprites and maps. I can arrange to buy you a license so that you can try out your art in game, as part of the arrangement.
The idea is that a little boy has to bring his moth to the light by turning lamps on and off. The sprites are all 8x8, in 16 colors:
Here are some animations:
Here is the complete current sprite sheet:
I like highly stylized pixel art, but you don’t need to use it as a guideline necessarily.
I would like the following as a first step:
Please provide a reference tiled level as well. I liked to use Pyxel Edit: pixel art and tileset creation tool (if you have a license) or Tiled Map Editor | A flexible level editor
Remember that the idea is of bringing a moth to the light, so that everything has to be “dark”. The limited palette makes it an interesting challenge for sure.
If things work out well, there is more work: parallax backgrounds, title screen, animations, more level styles, cut scenes.